Virtual Refugee Shabbat

We are witnesses to one of the largest humanitarian crises in human history. There are now more than 70 million people who have fled their homes due to persecution and violence. And, yet, in this moment of unprecedented need, the U.S. refugee admissions program is grinding to a halt, imposing extreme limits on the ability of asylum seekers to find safety in our country, and cutting humanitarian aid. The Jewish movement for refugees in the U.S. has grown exponentially since 2015, with thousands of individuals, hundreds of congregations, and many organizations advocating for, volunteering with, and raising awareness about refugees and asylum seekers around the country and the world. The involvement of our RSNS community as a HIAS Welcoming Congregation, support of Syrian refugees through Najda Now and Love Without Borders, and our support of immigrant rights through the Bend the Arc green light campaign have all made a difference to those most vulnerable seeking a better life on our shores.

Building on the momentum of last year's National Refugee Shabbat, in which RSNS along with nearly 300 congregations across the United States and abroad participated, this National Refugee Shabbat will be an opportunity to once again raise awareness in our community, to recognize the work that has been done, and to reaffirm our commitment to welcoming refugees and asylum seekers.

To watch via livestream, click here

To follow along with the prayers and music, click here