BM Orientation - (In-Person)

MAZEL TOV on beginning your B'nei Mitzvah journey! We could not be more excited to start this process with you!

At RSNS, we believe that becoming B’nei Mitzvah is a holistic process - one that engages the whole child, the whole family, the whole Jewish community, and even the whole world.

We have LOTS of information to share with you - instructions, helpful suggestions, and guidance on every step of this process! There are TWO essential b’nei mitzvah orientation sessions in March:

  • PART 1: Thursday, March 14th, 8 pm - 9 pm (ZOOM ONLY)  
  • PART 2: Saturday, March 16th, 9 am - 12 pm (IN-PERSON ONLY)

For more information and to RSVP click here and mark the dates in your calendar!

If you have any questions, please email Rabbi Jodie or Cantor Eric at, or call 516.627.6274.


Meeting ID: 801 929 1930