Israel Engagement Committee

The Israel Engagement Committee seeks out and evaluates cultural, educational and advocacy opportunities for our members to engage with Israel – both within our congregation and within the larger Jewish community, and to support its flourishing as a peaceful, democratic home for all Jews.

Shinshinim Program – Our synagogue school students are fortunate to connect with a different young Israeli each year, who teach in our school and run special programs as part of the SJJCC’s Center for Israel’s Shinshinim program.

Israel Film Night – Orly Dotan, an Israeli-American RSNS member with a background in film leads this wonderful program, focusing on the diverse landscape of Israeli society through a different lens in this ongoing film series.

Israel Education – We believe it is essential that congregants at every age, from nursery school through adults, have a broad exposure to Israel in all its complexity. We prepare our teens for the challenges of their college years and beyond, and our adults have numerous opportunities to learn about the history, politics, and ongoing reality of contemporary life in Israel.