Hinei Mah Tov

by Susan Liberstein – RSNS President

Hinei Mah Tov, a familiar melody to many, comes from Psalm 133, and translates to How Good and Sweet it is For People to Come Together as One. Our community was able to do exactly that at our recent gala to honor Rabbi Jodie for her 25 years of dedication to our RSNS community. The weekend started off with the Rabbi Run as part of our Schvitzy Shabbat, followed by the evening festivities on Saturday night. The feeling at both events was palpable with each of us coming to the day to celebrate Jodie with our personal and communal connection to her and our community. We are deeply grateful to Rabbi Jodie for her 25 years of learning, loving, and leading at RSNS.

We also had the opportunity this year to come together and honor one of our founding members, Harriet Feiner. On that beautiful, sunny day in October, our community celebrated Harriet’s lifelong commitment to the growth and continuity of RSNS. Together with our youngest learners at Gan Shalom, we took a moment to show our appreciation of Harriet. A table and seats were dedicated to Harriet. They were carved and repurposed from a tree at RSNS for the children to enjoy in the outdoor space. We welcomed Shabbat together with Gan Shalom and took pride in knowing these children will continue to grow and learn in our community that Harriet has nourished for so many years.

Three weeks ago my family was blessed to come together with the community of Reconstructing Judaism to celebrate Solomon’s graduation from the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College. With family, Rabbi Lee, Rabbi Jodie, Cantor Eric, and Lauren Pulver, we were able to join together in a joyful celebration of six new Reconstructionist Rabbis. Josh and I would like to thank the entire RSNS community for always being so supportive and eager to engage with Solomon along his journey to the Rabbinate.

What I see at RSNS is a community where people are often coming together and enjoying the sweetness of that time with fellow congregants. Whether it is committee and board meetings, services, Women’s Seder, Men’s group, girls’ and women’s Rosh Chodesh, Choir, Bible Study, Cantor’s Dinner, or any of the other myriad of events, each of these are ongoing and vital opportunities to experience community at RSNS. As this school and fiscal year wind down, I look forward to coming together for many celebrations and shared experiences as a community in the year ahead. Hiney mah tov umah na’im-Shevet ahim gam yahad.

Isn’t it good, isn’t it fine to come together as one.

Susan Liberstein