Monday Memo

Dear Families,

As I know you have all heard, schools have been officially requested to remain closed through the end of the school year.  This news is upsetting to all of us, particularly our Gan Shalom teachers and, I'm sure, your children.  This is a challenging time, but we know it is best for the safety of everyone if we head the directives and stay home.

We will be continuing our online offerings through the planned end of the school year.  An updated calendar, confirming dates, will be sent out to you this week. 
(email sent 5/4/2020)

We are still looking forward to offering camp at this time, but we will let you know if anything changes on that front.  If you did not yet register for camp but would want to attend, please respond back and let me know.  You would not need to leave a deposit at this time, but we would like accurate counts for planning groups and program ideas.  Additionally, if you registered for camp but believe you would not want to attend even if we are running, could you please respond and let us know that as well.  We want to have the best plans in place assuming we can open!

For those of you who purchased lunch or joined Challah Club, we will be placing credits on your accounts for these charges.  You should see these by the end of the week.
Please see the updated specials schedule for this week.  It is on the Gan Shalom website.  It is a busy week, and Librarian Lesley has joined our offerings!  Yoga Leah is today at 3:00... check out the week and mark your calendars!

We know some of you voiced concerns with nap times in the afternoon and missing certain specials.  Yoga Leah has put a few mini-sessions on our specials page as well, recorded for your viewing convenience whenever it works for you.

You also should have received the email about the Gan Shalom Raffle, put in place virtually in light of the cancellation of Parents' Night Out.  I have already been selling raffle tickets this weekend!  Thank you to those who already purchased tickets.  Please make sure to use the donation link under "gving" on the website to join us this week for this unique "fun"raising effort!

Wishing everyone well,