(email sent 3/17/2020)

Hi, everyone. We are looking forward to beginning the transition to online learning for our Synagogue school students this week.

For k-vav, there won’t be any “live” school today. We are sending out a weekly school email every Wednesday starting TOMORROW, with links to lessons for each grade.

We have had the blessing of sharing our learning and teaching this year with our Shinshinim. Ori and Keren-Or have been required by the Jewish Agency to go back to Israel until there is greater clarity regarding this health crisis. We’ve been deeply moved by their passion and commitment to RSNS. Below is their contact information.

Ori Elkaslasi
+972524657980 - in Israel

Keren-Or Kadosh
+972-506969727 - in Israel

We look forward to continuing our journey of Jewish learning together, and connecting with each of you, even at a distance.

With love,
Rabbi Jodie and the RSNS Synagogue School faculty