Mutual Support Conference Call

And some of us want to be of service to community, to our RSNS community
in particular. This is, indeed, a time to reach out not only to family and friends, but to others, too. We can be heartened by the number of people who in conversations with our Clergy Team and through our member2member listserv have expressed their desire to be of help. To this end, the Mutual Support Committee will host a call TOMORROW Monday, March 16 at 7:00 P.M. To be a part of this effort, dial 1-425-436-6315 and use the pass code 647857. If you would like to be of help, but are unable to make the call, please text Rabbi Lee at 516-302-5221, or call his home phone at 516-621-2067; or email Harriet Feiner at Let’s put our heads together and see how we can be of support. We hope, too, that if you are in need you will reach out to any member of our committee listed below or to Lee, Jodie and Eric.